How to Drag a Deer Out of the Woods

Dragging a deer out of the woods after a successful hunt can be a physically demanding task. In a sense, the real challenge begins once the trophy is down, so learning how to drag a deer out of the woods is essential.

Follow these steps to make your deer retrieval smoother and safer.

How to Drag a Deer Out of the Woods

Step 1: Prepare the Deer

Before you begin the process of dragging a deer, it’s important to prepare the animal properly to minimize contamination and facilitate the dragging process.

Before traction, the abdominal cavity is sutured to prevent contamination. Insert a 0.5 to 1 inch diameter rod. Tie a string to the blunt end and pierce the peritoneum with the tip of the knife. Twist once and make a knot.

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This step helps prevent the deer’s bodily fluids from spilling onto the meat and minimizes the risk of contamination, ensuring the quality of the venison.

Step 2: Create Attachment Points

The peritoneum is then punctured further upwards at appropriate distances along the abdominal cavity.

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By puncturing the peritoneum at intervals along the abdominal cavity, you create points where you can attach ropes or cords for the dragging process securely.

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Step 3: Prepare the Front Legs

Now, you need to prepare the front legs for attachment.

Cut the skin on the upper arm to make a passage.

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Cutting the skin on the upper arm provides a passage through which you can thread the ropes or cords, ensuring a secure connection.

Step 4: Secure the Front Legs

Now that you’ve created passages, it’s time to secure the front legs for dragging.

Thread the rope through the passage made with the knife under the tendon. Do the same on the other front leg.

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By threading the ropes under the tendons of the front legs, you create a stable connection that will hold during the dragging process.

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Step 5: Strengthen the Legs

To make the deer more stable for towing over rough terrain, follow these steps:

Bring the legs together and strengthen them by twisting the legs in a figure of eight.

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Twisting the legs in a figure-eight pattern ensures that they stay closer together and provide better support when you start dragging the deer through uneven or challenging terrain.

Step 6: Secure the Head

To create a solid unit that includes the front legs and the head, follow these final steps:

Finally, the rope is passed from the back (the withers) forward through the oral cavity and pulled out at the snout. This makes the front legs and the head a solid unit, making it easier to tow over rough terrain.

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By securing the head to the front legs using the described method, you create a single, manageable unit for dragging. This makes navigating through dense woods or rough terrain more efficient.

Step 7: Drag Away!

With the deer properly prepared, secured, and strengthened, it’s time to start dragging it out of the woods. Move slowly and steadily, keeping an eye on your footing and the terrain. Communicate with any hunting partners to coordinate your efforts and ensure a safe and efficient drag.

As you make progress, periodically stop to rest and assess your route. Avoid rough or dangerous areas, and choose the path of least resistance when possible.

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What if antlers get in the way while dragging?

If the antlers of the deer you’re dragging get in the way, consider tying them back with rope, lifting the front end slightly with a partner or harness, adjusting the dragging angle, or pruning obstructive vegetation. You can also detach the skull plate with antlers intact if you have the tools and skills to do so, or use a deer sled or cart to make the dragging process smoother.

Can I use any rope for securing the front legs and head?

It’s recommended to use a durable and strong rope specifically designed for hunting or outdoor activities. Such ropes are less likely to break or snap under the stress of dragging a deer.

What if I’m hunting alone? Can I still drag a deer out of the woods by myself?

While it’s possible to drag a deer out of the woods alone, it’s often easier and safer to have assistance. If you’re alone, take extra precautions, consider using tools like a deer sled, or use a pulley system to make the task more manageable.

What tools should I carry with me when planning to drag a deer out of the woods?

Essential tools include a knife for field dressing, ropes or cords for securing the deer, and gloves for safety and hygiene. Depending on the terrain and conditions, you may also want to bring a deer sled or pulley system.

Image source: Divjad in lovstvo (Slovenian hunting book)

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